Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Non-Christmas Related Post

In honor of her upcoming birthday (and the fact that she's totally outgrown her infant seat) we got Alexa a new car seat. She was a little weirded out that she was facing the wrong way!
And not only was it a car seat that she got, but also a box! Woohoo!! I have plans to get some spray paint and make it look like a cute little house.
Also, since we always just carried her in her car seat, this was the first time she sat in a cart while we were shopping. This whole trip she just sat there gripping the bar in front of her. Since then, she's loosened up and keeps trying to climb out of the cart.

She has taken her first steps, and is fully capable of walking, but is too chicken to actually do it. We're getting there though. Pretty soon she's going to be running circles around me and it'll be even harder to make sure she doesn't get into things that she shouldn't be!

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