Sunday, December 27, 2009

Counting down the minutes eagerly....

This is officially my first post. Till now I have let Alicia do all the blogging. She is the more creative one, and the trend seems to be that the wife is the blogger. There will have to be an exception made this time, however, because she is currently lying on a bed with a tube sticking out of her back and two monitors strapped to her belly...and is 8cm dialated! This is an exciting time! And as I sit here and wait excitedly, I thought I would update the blog so that everyone who happens across it knows that the big event is finally happening. Our baby is coming! Assuming all goes well, we should have pictures and stuff up here tomorrow...unless this becomes a marathon pregnancy. Hang in there...if I have to wait so do you!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Where are the pictures of the baby? I saw the ones you sent to mom, and she is sooo cute! Congratulations you guys, I'm glad she finally came out :)