Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals and Christmas!

So, apparently I have this thing against posting when I don't have any pictures to liven it up... but I'll post anyways since it's been a really long time.

Mike and I are in midlle of finals week, although Mike is officially done with everything now. I'm very jealous of him. I have a final, an essay, and a research paper, plus 2 hours of watching presentations left. Needless to say, I am rather stressed and looking forward to the end of this week. Besides the end of finals, it also means going to Virginia! I'm really excited to go home and see my family. I haven't seen them since the beginning of August and I won't see them probably until graduation in the coming August.

Mike and I have gone to two Christmas parties in the last few days, and have played white elephant at both of them. The first party was a Thorup party, and it was a lot of fun. I met a lot of new people, and so did Mike! We found a second cousin that lives in Provo that may become a new double date friend, so that's pretty cool. We also got smencils. Can you guess what they are? We (I) got kinda jipped on the white elephant at that party, but that's ok. Tonight I had my work party. My boss took everyone out to Red Robin and then we did a white elephant and they had gotten us presents. We got a lot of Christmas decorations in the white elephant, so I'm really happy, I love decorations.

We also had our Bevans Christmas, we opened our presents from each other and from his family (parents and brother). We loved it all! Mark and Shauna got us an Applebee's gift card which is perfect for us! Then we got a lot of games and movies from Mom and Dad Bevans, and are having a lot of fun watching and playing them! All and all, this is shaping up to be a great Christmas!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Mike and I had our own little Thanksgiving, which was rather different for both of us, but turned out really, really well. I cooked, and we had an abundance of food. I think we'll be eating leftovers until Christmas break! I am actually pretty proud of how everything turned out, but I did cheat a little. Since it was just the two of us, and neither of us really like turkey very much, we just did a turkey roast instead of a whole bird. As it is, we'll probably throw the rest of it out because neither of us are eating it. The most exciting part for me was that we finally got to use our china and our nice silverware! Here's a picture of the place settings:

And here's a picture of the whole table.
You think this is a lot of food? Well, it isn't even all of it! Both of our families have traditional appetizers (mine is this really yummy cheese dip stuff and his is a cheeseball and chips and dip) so we had those as well.
On another note, Mike and I have less that two weeks of classes left before Christmas break, and we are so excited to be done! He has it really easy from here on out because most of his work was due a couple of weeks ago. My semester has hit the hard point though, where I have tons of papers and projects and presentations due. Not exciting. Soon though, we'll have two weeks to just relax and not worry about school, thank goodness!