Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A long overdue post...

So I was all proud of myself because I had gotten pretty good about blogging regularly, and then I went and had a baby... I suppose at least that's a relatively good reason for not having blogged in about a month. Yes, a month. Alexa is now just over a month old, and that time really flew by. I can't believe she's that old already! She's gotten really good at grabbing things, and really looks at and focuses on things now. She's still trying to figure out the whole hand sucking thing, but we have high hopes for her. Now she just has a hard time not poking herself in the eye while getting fingers in her mouth.

Sadly, I haven't gotten much better at taking pictures, but I'm making it a goal to start! So, here are some old and new pics:

Her goggle eyes from the light for her billirubin.
Mike has figured out the art of holding a sleeping baby and playing the wii at the same time.

Her little present outfit that you can kind of see around the swing straps.
And her at this moment, asleep in her second favorite place, the boppy. Her first, is of course, on people.


Joanna said...

I love the picture of Mike holding her and playing the Wii! (Did Jacob teach him that?)

She is so beautiful. Congratulations. How are you feeling these days?

McRoberts Family said...

Congrats! I love her full head of hair. Too cute.

Kim said...

look at that hair, I love it! She is so cute. You guys do good work :)

Too bad she may be huge before we see her, but maybe we can swing by on a trip to Idaho again.

Kim said...

She is so cute! I love that hair...you guys do good work.

I hope we can come see her before she gets too big.

Alli said...

So glad to see pictures of your little girl!! Congratulations you guys :)