Ok, so this isn't a picture I took myself, but it gets the point across. Mike's winter was made happy this weekend when we woke up to snow on Sunday, then to more yesterday, and then even more today. I heard it's supposed to snow more this week as well. The snow is certainly pretty on the mountains, but my biggest peeve with it is that Provo is terrible at clearing roads for some reason. You would think Utah would be on top of things, wouldn't you? Mike and I agree, however, that our hometowns in OR and VA are both way better at clearing the roads.
On other news, I am just over 38 weeks now. At my appointment this week the doctor told us that he never lets people go over 41 weeks, so Dec. 28 would be the latest I could possibly go, and because of the heart issues I've been having with the pregnancy, he doubted that they'd let me go that long. So, I'm still hoping and assuming that we'll have her before Christmas! That would be especially nice since delivering on our anniversary would be kind of a bummer.
We're still rather nervous, but I at least, am feeling more prepared in the baby stuff area. I worked at my mom's company (API) for several years through middle school, high school and college, and since it is not a very large company, I knew everyone that worked there, and they all pretty much considered me a daughter. So, when they found out that I was pregnant, they planned a Grand-baby shower for my mom. We got so many great things from them, it's amazing how generous they were! That helped a lot with making me feel more prepared! We still have to go to Baby's R Us sometime this week to use gift cards and get the last things we need, and then I think we'll be set! Any recommendations of things that you've really liked having or wished you had? Or things that have a lot of hype but aren't really that great? We'd love any help and advice!
13 hours ago
How exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time. Here's my list of things to absolutely have. A lot of hats, like beenies. Everytime you go outside, she will need a hat for at least the first month - and probably longer than that because it's freakishly cold in Provo in the winter. Burp cloths and a lot of them. Figuring out nursing can be a little messy. And then she may start spitting up. It's frustrating when you change them and they immediatly puke on their new shirt... not that I have experience with that! Our baby bouncer chair has been so helpful. We put him there while we eat - it's nice to use 2 hands every once in awhile. Oh also, they encouraged us not to put pants on him until the umbillical stump fell off so get a few pairs of little overalls or something to cover her legs. That's my advice. Also just remember that you can do it!!! The labor, the recovery, the new parenting... you can do it. Call me anytime you need anything!
Brian's list: Crib, bottle, carrier, binky. Changing stations are overrated (we used them a bit with the first few but found that it is easy to use the floor too).
Some of my list: I love having a bumbo (one with a tray would be nice) the kid can 'sit' in it from 3-6 months before they can really sit. My sister actually starts her kids in them before 3 months. I also love having a carrier we just bought a cheap one from walmart and I actually like it just as much as the expensive ones I have used. It can be worn on the front or back and the baby can face in or out. I also don't mind using mine in the water (for swimming) and it has a handy little pocket to put pacifiers in. Depending on the child a jumperoo is handy (the kind that sit on the floor are a lot more convenient than trying to get around the door hanging ones). Some of my kids love the jumperoo and some like the walkers. Those are both down the road a little way but they come up fast. I didn't bother getting a high chair (overrated in my mind) we just have a booster seat that has a tray (one that you attach to a chair). Nice to be able to have them right next to the table with you and then at the table with you since you can take the tray off and they can feel like part of the family. We also like to take these with us when camping or visiting family.
I haven't used a nursing cover before but got one recently. I have always used a blanket but this way you don't have try to keep that up with your chin. (currently there is a deal going on if you go to https://www.uddercovers.com/and enter the code "christmas" for your free nursing cover--all you pay is shipping (like $10). Oh the list of gear goes on and on doesn't it (I might think of more stuff later but those are some of my thoughts)!
My advice is before buying the "big" stuff (swing, bouncer seat, walker, etc.) borrow one from someone else and see how baby likes it. If she does and you've got room for it, find one of your own. If not, then skip it.
Hang in there! We can't wait to see pictures of her!
Thanks for the advice guys! You all are awesome! And Julia- thanks for that heads up about that deal! Those covers can be so expensive!
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